Eva Albiar música profesional

La Vella celebrates the anniversary concert

The musical society Primitiva setabense, La Vella, offered last Saturday at the Gran Teatre the Extraordinary Anniversary Concert.

In the first part, the Jove orchestra of the Primitiva Setabense performed, under the direction of José Martínez Colomina, and highlighted the Mozart oboe concert performed by Eva Albiar Aliaga, music by La Vella that studies this specialty in Amsterdam.

The Beethoven Coriolan Overture was also interpreted. The second part of the concert was in charge of the Symphonic Band, under the baton of Paco Sánchez Roca, with compositions by Canaanse David Penadés Fasanar and ontinyentí Saül Gómez Soler.

Source: Levante

Eva Albiar música profesional

La Polaca continues its cultural activity

La Polaca, the Xàtiva site owned by the plastic artist Toni Grau continues its activity as a cultural space.

The spot, located at the foot of the Serra Vernissa, has a pine forest and three rehabilitated houses “hosted last Saturday a wind and percussion concert performed by Eva Albiar Aliaga and Miguel Ángel Real Pérez.

The event, organized by Xàtiva Land Art at 8:15 p.m., brought together some 70 people, in a free concert.

La Polaca, from Setabense Toni Grau, wants to establish itself as a space for art and culture. The plastic artist offered the participants a visit to the venue and there was a snack.

Source: Levante